Friday, January 16, 2009
(read Choke and Survior before you read Rant by Palahniuk)
Why does facebook keep telling which of my friends "are fans of pbs" in the up right corner?
does PBS have a better deal with face book on advertisments? How come we all arnt fans of something we brag about all do like "are fans of breakfast" or "are fans of ChickFilla" or maybe "are fans of low taxes" ? but PBS? Either PBS is the most popular thing on face book or there are alot of people clicking on it because it looks cool in thier bio. For Real? I've been on a PBS show, I dig it, but when is the last time you went to dinner party or cook out and everyone started talking about a recent episode on PBS . . . ?
so much to get done . . .
executive director just called, she might pick them up)
I'm stressing this show right about now, I designed the flyer but i need to build a website before i start to advertise it. Need to get to that in an hour.
I hate when i have backwards days where im doing the stuff in the morning that i needed to wait until night to see if i have time to do and now i have to stay up all night trying to do the stuff i was supposed to be doing this morning.
I wasn't even 8am and I was up cutting mats for a group of Obama and A.K.A. posters, but by 10am i was eating grits and eggs in front of CNN and some documentery about a stone hinge (when your at a neighbor's house, u watch what neighbors watch.)
ah . . . just figured out that i dont want to talk about what is really on my mind right now . . . sorry
moving on . . .
Congrats to Mr. and Ms. Stevens on the baby girl who was just born over a month early . . . welcome to life . . .
and is it me or are a bunch o people getting married while another bunch are getting divorced? I thought alot of people we getting engaged after Christmas until I saw how many people I knew were getting divorced . . . facebook status changes like spinning . . . ah whatever
so i need to find a rhythmn or a style or something for my blog, something that makes it a little more fun to do, but maybe i dont need another obsession . . . i'm supposed to be making love to Archers Watercolor Paper with a crimson tipped paintbrush or a piece of plywood with a hammer . . . .
so much to get done in life . . .
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
ok, so today is at an end
6am im checking my phone for the username and password for an MLK parade on Monday . . . not my fault it's not built but i got it done in 2hrs with the info and images i had . . . did it for free99!
finished two painting today, niether of them are for my upcoming show . . . which i didnt finish the flyer for anyway . . . doh . . .
currently listening to Antibalas of my Impala Lounge Cd, always dope shia
so i had two great convos wit two people i dont talk to very often at all, appreciate and respect them both. Here are some of the things that came up in these two convos: Squirrels, MMA fighting, worms, banging someones head in a bathroom stall, a cardinal flying into the side mirror on a minivan, my up coming podcast interview, a conversation with a catholic nun, keeping boxing gloves in the trunk because you never know when it's time to whip a . . . , and how patience is not the act of waiting on something but how you decide to wait.
I wont explain most of this ever, but maybe some . . .
right now i need to paint . . . or something . . .
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
start with the basics . . .
painted a base coat of a 4ft wood piece
cleaned up
no wondering when i will design the flyer for my up coming show
I really don't want to design it, but not really wanting to do something is not a good reason to not get it done.
Listening to Gnarls Barkley.
Back to the show . . .
It's a solo art exhibition titled "Beats, Rhymes, & Mike"
Opening Reception Feb 6th . . .
gonna go work . . . tell ya 'bout it later . . .
Thursday, January 1, 2009
so for 09, my 30th year, i'm going to blog blog blog . . . or something
until then . . . visit